Who’s who


Please see our Governors’ page.

The Staff


Ms L Gooden

Deputy Headteacher

Mrs L Warde

Business Manager

Mrs D Ellerby

Assistant Headteachers

  • Mr R Gardiner (Key Stage 3)

  • Mr J Kennedy (Key Stage 4)

  • Mr S Cooke (Key Stage 5)

  • Mr S Hovers (Timetabling and Staffing)

  • Ms C Jackson (Inclusion and Safeguarding)

  • Mrs N Glossop (Continued Professional Development)

  • Mr M Harland (Teaching & Learning)

Curriculum Leaders

  • Art, Photography, Design and Technology – Mrs C Creasy

  • Business and Economics – Mr J Gibb

  • Careers Guidance – Mr S Fingleton

  • Computer Science – Mr D Kavanagh

  • Drama – Ms S Oates

  • English – Mr M Williams

  • Geography – Mrs Kacsprzak

  • Health and Social Care – Mrs M Allison and Miss H Marsden

  • History and Politics – Mrs S Davis

  • Languages – Ms M Mateo-Polo

  • Languages Development – Mrs E Lamb

  • Learning Support – Mrs A Murray (SENCO)

  • Mathematics – Mr D Heller

  • Music – Mr M Doubleday

  • PSHE – Mrs C Perry

  • Physical Education – Mr T Grantham

  • Psychology – Mrs E Hall

  • Religious Education and Philosophy – Mrs V Muscroft

  • Sciences – Mr A Baker and Mrs C Tyler

– Biology - Mrs C Tyler

– Chemistry Mr J-P Ward

– Physics Mr A Baker

  • Sociology – Mr M Spears

  • Urdu – Mrs I Hameed

Key Stage Leaders and Pastoral Managers (2022/2023)

  • Key Stage 3 Leader (Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9) - Mrs K Proost

  • Year 7 Pastoral Manager – Mrs J Sale

  • Year 8 Pastoral Manager – Mrs S Hird

  • Year 9 Pastoral Manager – Miss B Haywood

  • Key Stage 4 Leader (Year 10 and Year 11) – Miss C Benloss

  • Year 10 Pastoral Manager – Mr A Chatterton

  • Year 11 Pastoral Manager – Mrs R Sadiq

  • Pastoral Managers Behaviour – Mr J Creasy, Miss A Ellis, Mr S Barth, Miss E Reynolds

Post 16

  • Year 12 Raising Attainment Leader - Mr A White

  • Year 13 Raising Attainment Leader - Dr J Hanson and Mrs V Braisby

  • Post 16 Pastoral Managers - Miss M Wragg and Miss S Foster

Other posts

  • Examinations Manager – Mrs H Neill

  • HR and Cover Manager – Mr T Hall

  • IT Manager - Mr C O’Daly

  • Librarians – Miss D Harper (Upper School) and Mrs S Asquith-Richardson (Lower School)

  • Office Manager – Ms J Jackson (Upper School) and Mrs C Robinson (Lower School)

  • PA to the Headteacher and Clerk to the Governing Board – Ms J Jackson