Aims, Ethos and Values

Vision Statement

At King Edward VII School we provide an exciting learning community in which each individual strives for excellence and is enabled to achieve personal fulfilment.

We value and seek to promote

  • The equal worth of each individual member of our school community

  • Learning and achievement

  • The pursuit of excellence

  • The acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding

  • The cultural heritage of each individual and the rich diversity within our school community

  • The personal qualities of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-discipline and tolerance

  • A partnership with the wider community outside the school

  • Care and respect for people and the environment

  • International awareness and partnerships


For our students we aim to:

  • Promote a shared understanding of the values of the school

  • Provide a balanced and broadly based curriculum which promotes their spiritual, moral, social
    and cultural development

  • Promote their mental, physical and emotional well being

  • Prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life, including the world of work and their role as citizens in a democratic society

  • Enable them to reach their full potential

  • Provide a curriculum which is open and accessible to all students

  • Develop a learning culture within which students experience the enjoyment of learning and the motivation that such enjoyment encourages

  • Ensure equality of opportunity to all students

  • Value and celebrate the positive attitudes and diverse achievements of all students

  • Create an environment which ensures that students develop self-management and responsibility

  • Provide a healthy and safe working environment